
Meet & Greet Consultation


Before we can provide any services, ALL New Clients must have an In-Home Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Meet & Greet. This visit gives us a chance to meet each other and be introduced to your precious pet family.

Please allow at least 30 minutes for this visit. We will complete the following:

  • Interact with your pet(s) and get accustomed to their likes and dislikes
  • Learn your pet’s feeding, walking and medication (if needed) schedule
  • Acclimate ourselves with the location of your pet’s supplies and favorite sleeping & hiding spots
  • We will review new client paperwork for in-home pet sitting & dog walking services
  • Collect (2) sets of keys, alarm codes and practice entering your home
  • Review our Policies & Procedures
  • Answer any remaining questions you may have to ensure your peace of mind

Initial Meet & Greet: $25.00

 ***Please note rates include the first 20 miles of travel roundtrip. Any additional mileage will be charged at $0.50 per mile.***

Call us today to set up your In-Home Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Meet & Greet!